How to Transfer the Primary Admin Role in QuickBooks Online When the Usual Method Fails

Transferring the Primary Admin role in QuickBooks Online (QBO) should be straightforward. But sometimes, things don’t go as planned.

If you’ve tried to transfer the role and hit roadblocks, this guide will walk you through the steps to resolve the issue.

I recently spent about 90 minutes on the phone with QuickBooks support figuring this out, and now I’ll break it down for you to save you time.

The Standard Method for Transferring Primary Admin

Before diving into troubleshooting, let’s quickly review the usual way to transfer the Primary Admin role:

  1. Log in as the Primary Admin
  2. Click the Gear Icon in the upper-right corner
  3. Select Manage users in the YOUR COMPANY column
  4. Find the new person you want to make the Primary Admin
  5. Click the three dots to the right of Edit
  6. Select Change primary admin

This process works smoothly in most cases.

However, even though I was logged in as the Primary Admin, I didn’t have the option to transfer the role.

If this happens to you, it occurs when you access the client’s account through your Accountant Portal instead of directly logging into their company file.

Access the Client Company File

  1. Log out of QuickBooks Online
  2. Log back in
  3. On the Choose your company screen, scroll down to where it says QuickBooks Online companies

Log into the company file under QuickBooks Online Companies, not through QBOA

  1. Select the client’s company file
  2. Verify the Accountant Toolbox is gone from the top of the screen
  3. Click the Gear Icon in the upper-right corner
  4. Select Manage users in the YOUR COMPANY column
  5. Find the new person you want to make the Primary Admin
  6. Click the three dots to the right of Edit
  7. Select Change primary admin

Change primary admin in QBO

Final Thoughts

This process can be frustrating, especially if QuickBooks doesn’t behave as expected. However, the key takeaway is that you need to log in directly to the client’s company file, not through your Accountant Portal.

If you still see the Accountant Toolbox, try signing out and back in again. 

Hopefully, this guide will save you the frustration I experienced and help you transfer the Primary Admin role without needing to call support.

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