QuickBooks Desktop is Now a Subscription – What This Means For You

There’s been a rumor going around for years that QuickBooks Desktop is going away or being discontinued.

This isn’t true.

QuickBooks Desktop isn’t going anywhere.

It’s been switched over to a yearly subscription.

You can check out the new pricing information here: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/desktop/premier/

Where have the rumors come from?

QuickBooks Desktop as a whole is NOT being discontinued. The rumor comes from the fact that for years, Intuit has turned off services for QBDT on a rolling 3-year basis.

This is common for non-cloud-based software.

The older versions eventually stop being updated, and add-ons no longer work.

For example, Microsoft no longer supports old versions of Windows. It’s the same with QuickBooks Desktop.

You can still use the older software. But you don’t get support or updates, and add-ons like payroll or payment processing stop working.

In May 2023, the 2020 version will be sunset. You can learn more about this in the QuickBooks help article: QuickBooks Desktop service discontinuation policy.

If you’re using any version of QuickBooks Desktop 2020, you’ll want to move to the new subscription model or QuickBooks Online.

If you’re wondering which version, Desktop or Online, is right for you. That’s personal preference. I don’t think one is superior to the other.

In many cases, either software would work fine for a small business.

Think about a sports car and a pickup; both will take you to the store to buy Ben and Jerry’s, but if you need to haul lumber, maybe you need the truck. If you want to drive US Highway 101, you probably would enjoy the sports car more.

If you’d like to compare QBDT and QBO, I did a series in November 2020, performing common tasks in both. While some changes have been made to both software since 2020, the overall differences are still the same:

If you have an older version of QuickBooks Desktop and would like help deciding what to do or need help switching to a different version of QuickBooks. Click the green button below to schedule a free consultation and I’ll be happy to help you out.

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15 Responses

  1. the quickbooks on line is very complicated to use it is no where friendly like the desktop version it needs to be more like the desktop How can it be made simple to use

    1. Hi Winona, many people find QuickBooks Online just as easy, if not easier to use than QuickBooks Desktop. But it can always be a struggle moving from one type of software to another. If you’re moving from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online you can always schedule time with Rachel where she can answer whatever questions you have and walk you through anything you find confusing: https://www.gentlefrog.com/meeting/

    2. It can’t! I’m a Bookkeeper and have turned-down clients who want to keep their books online. I refuse to use it. I’ve tried. I have to click on things way more often than on desktop version to navigate. I find online very difficult and not user friendly at all. I don’t understand why Intuit just didn’t put the desktop versions online the same way or why they had to re-format everything. Intuit has put us in a miserable position, and I’m furious with them for it!

      1. I’m going to stop taking on QBDT bookkeeping clients and focus on QBO. I imagine I’m not alone, can I send you my desktop leads when they come in? Can other people send you leads? If others can send leads, please reply with your contact info. I can see it as an admin of the website but it’s not publicly posted.

        On a related note, feel free to send your QBO leads to me ([email protected]) and I’ll pass along any that aren’t a good fit.

  2. I totally agree. Desktop was understandable while online just tries to do some help for you and ends up messing everything up. Then you have to go back and fix it. Like sales tax. I have a client who is based in another state. When I push my “order” over to an invoice into QuickBooks online, they add a taxing jurisdiction and puts a 30 minute damper to doing my monthly sales tax. The downloaded bank and credit cards are also a mess. QBO suggest matches that don’t match at all. If you accidentally accept the matches, makes another disaster when it comes time to reconcile.

    1. Hi Michelle, there are lots of options out there. There’s no single option we suggest, it’s all going to depend on the needs of your business. I’d suggest making a list of the features you most loved/used in QBDT that you can’t live without and contacting the support for other software to see if they have those features.


    2. I am soooo with you Michelle! I’ve been with QB for at least 25 years and I can’t stand the online version. Now, I feel QB has pulled the rug out from under me and I’m very angry! I have looked at other accounting software, but haven’t yet been able to choose. I’m at a complete loss and am just paying the ridiculously high annual subscription costs that QB is now gouging us with! If you do find other software, please give me a heads-up! [email protected] THANKS and good luck!

  3. I have been with Onljne for over 2’yeaes now and while more convenient, it’s no where near as intuitive as Desktop.

  4. The statement that “You can still use the older software. But you don’t get support or updates and any add-ons like payroll or payment processing stop working.” is no longer true. As of 2024, if you do not renew your QBDT subscription, your existing version becomes read-only for one year. After one year, you must renew, or the software stops working completely.

    1. Hi Keith,
      “If you do not renew your QBDT subscription, your existing version becomes read-only for one year” that’s correct for the new subscription model. It is not correct if you have an older version installed on your computer which is what we’re referring to in the blog post. You can read more about the details on what will happen with these older versions of QBDT on the QuickBooks help page: QuickBooks Desktop service discontinuation policy.


  5. I agree that QuickBooks online is confusing, difficult, and not user friendly. I too am furious with Intuit. I think it is all about QB getting more money in their pockets. I’ve used the Desktop version for over 20 years. I tried to help a friend setup the online version and I was lost. I’ll be asking my CPA for a recommendation on a new software.

  6. If you manage multiple companies, then Desktop is generally what you would need. Intuit charges on a per-company-file basis, and for example in our real estate business, with dozens of distinct LLCs, each representing different real estate properties or portfolios, the cost of using Quickbooks Online would be prohibitive. They don’t go out of their way to tell you this up-front, so be aware.

  7. a, Michelle, Peggy, Linda….I whole heartedly agree. I too, have used QB’s for more than 20 years. My opinion when asked by new companies, as well as my very confused QBDT users that don’t know whether to switch, is that QBO is EXTREMELY INFERIOR to QBDT. While I have clients using both, QBO is so incredibly frustrating with it’s limitations. For a very simple business model it works, as long as they don’t use the banking download process. I actually turned this off for two of my clients because it was taking an exceeding long time to fix what QBO posted than for me to just hand enter the activity and then reconcile. Even checks, I would change one of the checks that wasn’t matched to the proper information and it would automatically change every singe check to that payee’s name. WHY!!!!
    For businesses with inventory, classes and multiple sales tax codes, QBO is a total joke. Invoicing in QBO using classes, also ridiculous. Number of columns available are limited, order of those limited columns are not flexible, and classes won’t appear on the invoice. Even spent over an hour with Intuits Accountant Support tech and they couldn’t figure it out. Feeling retirement is my best option at this point!

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